Posts by Bloodviper

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Clan Update

Please use this post to update yourself on basic standards that are expected within the clan. Uniform Uniforms are not fully enforced as of current[…]

TBSE Activities Update

Its been a while since the activities were reviewed for Halo Infinite but now since the latest update added a proper selection of playlists we[…]

TBSE Halo Infinite Update

First of all it is important that from now you guys are wearing your tags as they are now being enforced, your tags should be[…]

The British Space Empire Enters A New Generation With Halo Infinite!

Day 15 Month November Year 2560 Source: HMS Endurance Log Entry: It has been 2 years that we have been stuck in this goddamn universe[…]

Halo MCC Information

The schedule will be as follows:All Activities Will Start At 6 or 7pm (you will be informed on discord) Mondays: No ActivitiesTuesdays: Open SlotWednesdays: Open[…]

Royal Marine Reformation

The Royal Marines Could Be Reformed As Soon As 15th October 2021 (The Date Is Still To Be Decided For Return But Authorisation Has Been[…]

Halo Infinite Is Upcoming

With Halo Infinite Coming up some changes are taking place. First of all the only two regiments that will be active upon the start of[…]

We Have Returned To Halo 5

So it happened The British Space Empire has returned to halo, however after looking into the very small amount of things we could do on[…]