Royal Marine Lore

The year is 2557 the HMS Endurance is on a routine patrol of the Azure sector when suddenly its quantum drive (a device used for faster than light travel) malfunctioned after performing weapons tests part of project gods wrath the malfunction along with the effects produced from the testing in project gods wrath caused the ship to our knowledge traverse the gap between our universe (Alpha 1) and another (now known as Alpha 2). After entering the new universe the HMS Endurance experienced a ship-wide EMP effect which caused all of its systems to shut down and the ship to be dragged into the gravitational field of a ring-shaped installation, the name of this installation and its capabilities would later be found out. The ship with all systems down and heavy damage caused by the malfunctions of the quantum drive was thrust against the atmosphere of the installation and began to be torn apart by the sheer stress produced by its gravity well pulling against an already shattered hull. Parts of the ship began veering off and were scattered across the ring as bodies of Royal Navy sailors and the captain are flung out into the cold vacuum of space without any protection. The ship had been carrying a large quantity of Royal Marines aboard however who were wearing EES gear (Extreme Environmental Suit) which allowed them to survive the harsh conditions, some were flung into space before landing and were left to just floating around until their oxygen ran out however a large quantity of them made it to the surface where their suits would cushion the extreme forces of an impact. Although the ESS gear cushioned the landing it negated the shock of smacking straight into the surface of the installation by knocking out the users with a gas sedative, the first marine to wake up was recorded as 2nd Lieutenant Burks who was coated in debris and luckily was able to push them off himself using the hydraulic strength of the ESS. As more marines began to wake their huds were filled with Royal Marine distress beacons which flared up from all across the ring, these distress beacons allowed the marines to easily locate each other quickly forming a small group of 30 Marines led by Major Smith the commander of the Royal Marines who had also managed to survive the crash. Although the distress beacons were extraordinarily helpful in allowing the Royal Marines to find each other it also alerted a hostile alien species to their presence (later found out to be The Banished), as the section of 30 marines began a recovery operation of their equipment and fellow soldiers they crossed through a plain of grass where they were ambushed by the banished forces. Luckily the banished had only sent a few small scout ships to investigate the signals which allowed the section of Royal Marines to wipe them out easily without sustaining any casualties, it was believed the reason the banished forces engaged the Marines was due to them mistaking them for a military known as “The UNSC”. During this battle the banished squad froze before attempting to retreat after seeing the unusual and extremely effective tactics and weaponry used by the Royal Marines, this however did not phase the marines as the brutish creatures did not appear civilised enough to them to put up a good fight. The Marines had formed multiple squads across the ring and all of them met up at Unknown Forerunner Control Terminal where they set up a base of operations and performed a headcount of their men, it was found that out of the 230 remaining survivors of the crash only 4 had been injured in banished attacks and 0 had died. As they were recovering weapons materials etc they were able to salvage a few AS90’s and some Seagull Mk1’s, the Seagulls were used to scout the planet while also allowing the Marines to progress with operation Thunderbolt which was an operation devised by the remaining Chain Of Command which consisted of Major Smith and Second Lieutenant Burk. Operation Thunderbolt was a decisive plan to swiftly push the banished off the ring with minimal casualties, this involved a show of force by using a single AS90-UA to topple an entire banished outpost and a land attack on a banished land force at the recently named Pikesdrift. The battle of Pikesdrift was a very decisive victory, The 29th Commando of Royal Marines set up a column of artillery and had them ready to fire directly into enemy positions and weaken them for the ambush attack which was led by Major Smith and consisted of the 45th Commando. The aftermath of this battle saw massive enemy routing leaving the banished with nothing but a few survivors to report back the heavy casualties they had sustained, once the battle had been declared a success the Marines were tasked with setting up a defence grid across the ring so that they would be safe until they could get in contact with The Royal Navy for disembarkation that’s if there were any…

Royal Marine Equipment List:

L95 V1 Main battle rifle:

The L95 V1 main battle rifle is the main battle rifle for the Royal marines. It has 3 modes. Safety, semi-automatic and fully automatic. It fires 5.56×45 AP for collateral damage. 

L98 V2 SMG:

The L98 V2 submachine gun is a bullpup weapon that recycles its gas. It fires 5.7×28 rounds for close-quarters scenarios. Underneath the barrel is a 40 mm grenade launcher which can have the following canister ammunition inside of it. High explosive, air bursting, dual-purpose, illumination, smoke, gas, thermobaric and buckshot. It has two fire modes. semiautomatic and fully automatic. 

L11A2 D1/L11A3 D2 Sniper rifle:

The L11A2 D1 is a DMR used in squads by marksmen. It fires a 7.62×51 green tip round. It is a lightweight gun and its optics are 14x zoom for medium and long-range engagements. The L11A3 D2 is an anti-material rifle that fires a metal dart. Instead of gunpowder, the rifle uses rail gun power. The metal dart itself has around 30 mm of penetration and can be used for anti-vehicle duties. It is very effective in taking on armoured cars. When the metal dart pierces the vehicle it uses the vehicle’s inner armour as a weapon throwing pieces of armour around the inside of the vehicle and killing anything inside of it. It can be used for anti-personnel as well.


The L87 GPMG (General-purpose machine gun) is used for the EES juggernaut suit as it is too heavy for normal infantry to carry. It is a belt-fed gun. The ammunition is stored in a barrel on the back of the suit. It fires .50 calibre rounds and has a fire rate of 800 rounds per minute. 

EES Infantry uniform:

The EES infantry uniform is made up of several components. It uses a mix of titanium alloy and Plexi gel to form lightweight body armour which is able to deter the following. Fire, water, sand, chemicals, gases, oils and gunfire. The suit has CBRN attachments to the face. It has a built-in HUD system (Heads up display) which can calculate how many rounds of ammunition you have and is attached to the built-in comms. DHC camo is able to change its colour scheme to any environment it is in with built-in nanofibers that change. This is called the chameleon method. The under-suit itself is sealed airtight and measures the user’s body temperature and keeps it stable to prevent fatigue, sweating and overheating. The helmet and body armour itself are able to withstand 7.62×51 at 1 meter away for 5 shots. 

EES Shock trooper:

The Royal Marine shock trooper uniform is specially designed for a few selected marines. To wear the suit you will need to have augmentations to strengthen your bones and muscles so that the Exo suit doesn’t tear through the user’s bone. The Exo suit itself is made of REDACTED which allows it to act as a second layer of muscle. The exoskeleton enhances strength, speed, reflexes, jumping and shock absorption from extremely high heights. (roughly 223 meters). The helmet has a HUD and an airtight seal to protect the user from the following: Chemical weapons, Biological weapons, radiological weapons, nuclear weapons, dust, water and fire. The armour they use is made from Plexi gel and woven tungsten and titanium wires. The undersuit helps the user measure body temperature. 

Notes: It is also to be noted that later on in the battle for Mars the exoskeleton worn by a  member of the Royal Navy was able to kill a spartan IV while wearing the heavy-lift exoskeleton for lifting cargo. This shows the exoskeleton is evenly matched with the Mjolnir suit.

EES sniper specialist:

The EES sniper uniform is by far one of the most advanced pieces of equipment used by Royal Marines. A much lighter and manoeuvrable combat uniform made by Royal Marine snipers to fit their needs and requirements of the battlefield. The ghillie suit worn over the uniform has built-in nanofibers to allow the user to cloak the back part of their bodies when laying down in a sniper’s position. It can also be used on the run but is recommended you don’t. The ghillies suit when its cloak is deactivated acts like the normal camo for the Royal Marines and uses the chameleon method to change its camo to any environment it is in. the mesh hat consists of a mounted NVG (Night vision goggles) system capable of 25x zoom. The NVGs can be clipped onto the L11A2 D2 sniper for better accuracy. 

EES Juggernaut uniform:

The EES Juggernaut uniform is an armoured suit that is operated by one user. It is completely bulletproof all around. It uses a special type of alloy made from REDACTED. The suit is 19 mm thick. It has an active trophy system that can kill any incoming rocket or grenade. The inside of the suit has an onboard reactor that powers the suit. It is able to lift up to 6 metric tons above the suit’s head. The suit is airtightly sealed and has a built-in oxygen tank to fight in the following environments. Space, underwater, nuclear hot zones and urban environments. It best suits urban warfare by being able to act as a mobile heavy armoured unit acting as a spearhead to break through enemy lines. It also has an onboard AI (Artificial intelligence) and a HUD (Heads up display).

Notes: It is to be noted that the suit also has an ejection system that shoots the pilot out of the back while the suit’s reactor overloads and self-destructs to stop it from falling into enemy hands. At the battle of installation 07, the juggernaut suit proved to be extremely useful. Two EES Juggernauts were used to hold off 14 brutes. The Banished forces realised that the type-25 Carbine was useless against the suit as the metal spikes just bounced off the armour or shattered on impact. There was even a report of one of the pilots of the juggernaut lifting up a brute by the neck and violently crushing its trachea.



The AS90-UA is a self-propelled howitzer with a 105 mm smoothbore gun. It has an auto-loader which fires a special type of air bursting ammunition HE shell, when it explodes above the head of the enemies, its effective range is 15.34 miles and its effective kill radius is 50 meters killing anything within a 50 radius of the overhead explosion. It is operated by one crew while the onboard computer does the rest. One crewmember acts as the driver, gunner and commander. While the computer acts as the loader. It uses level 20 Dorchester armour which has up to 500 mm of protection against KE weaponry at the front, while the sides are around 245 mm of protection. And the top is 50 mm of protection. It uses the Rolls Royce V20 C6 Perkins engine capable of 34 mph on-road and 32 mph off-road. 

Seagull Mk I:

The seagull Mk I is a light transport with VTOL (Vertical take-off and landing). It has a passenger amount of 4 and has 1 crew member. The pilot is the only crew member of the vehicle but they are supported by an onboard computer. The crew area has onboard medical kits and ammunition boxes under the seats. The weapons systems. The Seagull Mk I is equipped with a machine gun that fires 7.62×51 HEDP (High explosive dual purpose) to kill vehicles and ground forces quickly, it also has two 50 mm rocket pods capable of firing 480 rockets per minute. The 50 mm rocket is able to mop up ground forces quickly and is effective against armoured vehicles, it can also be used for air to air combat being able to lock onto air vehicles. However, it is best at CAS (Close air support).